By accepting the terms and conditions of your loan as sent by your lender, you are agreeing to repay your loan and any additional fees in the timeframe dictated by your lender. If you are unable to do so, you may be charged additional fees. These fees are quantified by each individual lender. Unfortunately we cannot foresee the size of any penalties for late payment. If you are unsure about any of the details of your loan, please consult the terms and conditions that were sent to you by your lender or contact your lender directly.
Your lender will present your fees and interest rate to you before you accept your loan, if you are approved. As we are not a lender, we cannot foresee the fees and interest of your loan. If you are unclear about the fees and interest of your loan, please consult the terms and conditions your lender sent you.
We do not make any decisions regarding credit, and we do not check the credit scores of our customers. Although lenders may not request a traditional credit report, most lenders conduct some form of credit check. This may adversely affect your credit score.
There is no one loan renewal policy. Policies are partially regulated by states. Your lender’s renewal policy will be presented to you in the terms and conditions you receive when you receive your loan offer. Please make sure you understand this policy before agreeing to the terms. We encourage all of our website users to repay their loans on time.
We are not a lender and do not collect debt. Your lender’s terms will explain your lender’s debt collection practices. If you have any questions about collecting debt, please contact your lender directly.